If you are seeking to stay connected to our community at FBC Griffin, then we want to partner with you to point others toward Jesus Christ and His grace. You will find there are many ways to get involved in our community of grace.
What is the E-Vision?
The E-Vision is an electronic newsletter that features church and ministry-specific activities at the church. We spotlight service or projects in our surrounding community where our ministries get involved. You will also find highlights from recent events featured. You can receive this weekly treasure in your inbox by signing up HERE.
What is the The Page?
The Page is a single piece of paper containing a condensed version of the E-Vision. You may pick up a copy of The Page at the church, or you may request that it be mailed to you weekly.
What is Church Community Builder?
If you have been at FBC very long, you may have heard someone say, “You can look that up in CCB.” This acronym stands for Church Community Builder, and it is the database we use at the church to stay connected with one another. Members, participants, and even guests who have filled out a visitor card can gain access to a CCB account. (Note that account types vary based on your level of involvement at the church.) If you are new to the church or to CCB, we invite you to give us a call at the church office (770-227-5517) or send us an email and ask for a quick tutorial.
If you are a leader of a class, group, team, or committee at the church, and you would like a few pointers on using CCB to communicate with your team, we encourage you to READ MORE on our tips post.
What is the FBCGRIFFIN app?
We have two apps available, but only the FBCGRIFFIN app keeps you posted on upcoming events. This app is available through your App Store by searching “FBCGRIFFIN”. For assistance downloading or using the app, please contact us.
What is the LEAD app?
The second app we have is a tool for leaders of groups (Sunday school classes, Wednesday night small groups, teams, committees, and related groups connected to our ministries). The LEAD app streamlines communication efforts and searches for leaders. News and activities are not posted in the LEAD app, so leaders are encouraged to stay up-to-date on activities through one of our other channels of communication.
Have you already set up your CCB account? You can login here.
Are you having trouble with your CCB account or one of the apps? Let us know you need help.