Pray for Local Mission Efforts

     The month of May is the annual time for FBC Griffin’s Church Mission Offering. This is one of the primary sources of funds used to support local mission projects in the church, city, and state. In the past, we have used this money to establish our church’s Community Garden, to partner with other churches and non-profits to retrofit a bus into a mobile grocery store in Sumter County, to support first-time college students from Griffin-Spalding County Schools, to support the Opportunity Community project which is addressing generational poverty in our community, and to provide funds for various mission projects that have been a part of our annual women’s ministry retreat.

     As you’ve heard our pastor say time and again, we hear at First Baptist believe in a grace that gives generously. God has called us to use our resources to make a difference for the Kingdom of God throughout Griffin and Spalding County. During the next few weeks, you will see articles emphasizing some of these past projects and giving more information about how your generosity is making a difference. Please consider how God is calling you to give above and beyond your regular tithe to partner with us this year through the Church Mission Offering. You can do so online or by marking the appropriate space on your giving envelope.

Thank you!

Michelle Norris, Chair of Mission Council

     The FBC Griffin community demonstrates a profound commitment to serving others. This month, we embark on a journey of reflection and celebration as we shine a spotlight on a few of the service projects that have been realized through the support of our annual Church Mission Offering.

     First, a little context will help you understand how the annual Church Mission Offering works.  This line item in our regular missions budget is managed by our Mission Council. This group is composed of leaders who oversee most of the mission-focused ministries and partnerships in our church, which embody Christ’s call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and uplift the downtrodden. Briefly, the Mission Council is composed of the representatives of Abundant Life Soup Kitchen, Benevolence, Caregivers Clothes Closet, Christmas Toy Shop, Community Engagement, Community Garden, Five Loaves & Two Fish Food Pantry, Grace 127, Levite Home Helpers, LifeSong, Spalding Samaritans, and Women on Mission. Quarterly, these individuals meet to discuss proposed mission projects and determine if funding them is possible. 

     While the Mission Council oversees several mission funding streams managed by the church that are designated for specific ministries or purposes, the Church Mission Offering can be used to fund proposed projects that the Mission Council determines will benefit the ongoing work for Christ’s kingdom either inside our church or beyond our doors. One such project was the funding of a Together for Hope (TFH) annual meeting in 2022. TFH is an initiative to address the needs in some of the poorest rural communities throughout our region. Our $600 contribution helped TFH cover the cost of the meeting facilities at Koinonia Farms in Americus, Georgia. At this region meeting, coalition members and strategic partners connected, learned, and networked with one another. This opportunity was one small way we could serve others who give so much of themselves in service to the Lord. 

     Thank you for supporting the Church Mission Offering and for making it possible for our church to support ongoing mission projects. 

FBC partners with The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in ministry. Their ministries service the 301 counties of persistent poverty in rural America.

Did you know?

Gavin Duncan will be leading a mission trip to Uganda in 2025. If you are interested in more information about this trip, please let us know by filling out the form linked here.

Women’s Retreat

    Each fall, women gathered at the Women’s Retreat at Callaway Gardens take part of their Saturday afternoon to complete a service project. Last year, these ladies made prayer bracelets to share with the ladies participating in the LifeSong Ministry. In previous years, the service projects have included blankets, soup mixes, and bath salts — all designed to minister to the women who are trying to get back on their feet after having struggled through hardship. This year, the project will benefit the Christmas Toy Shop. These projects are funded, in part, through the Mission Offering.

     Last year, the Mission Offering provided support for the work being done in Uganda by Gavin Duncan, Adam Pugh, and Steven Norris. Gavin worked in medical missions along with his cohorts from Berry College. Adam joined him on the second leg of his mission work to provide support to the community by feeding and ministering to children, repairing bore holes, and sharing Jesus. Money from the Church Mission Offering was used to purchase women’s undergarments and other personal care items that could not easily be obtained by some of the ministries there.

     On a separate mission trip, Steven Norris had the opportunity to teach music at a special camp held at Amani Sasa. Sharing the gift of music with this community not only imparts new skills to them, but it also plays a role in restoring hope and confidence in refugees’ lives. Most of the refugees in Amani Sasa’s residential program receive music therapy as a part of their journey towards healing, wholeness, and empowerment. Money from our Church Mission Offering helped purchase percussion equipment, guitar and violin strings, as well as other small instruments that will be used throughout the year.

     Both of these projects in Uganda afforded First Baptist the opportunity to share in the world of building God’s kingdom in Africa.

Occasionally we receive special requests to help in funding ongoing mission work abroad in what we call “closed countries” where mission work cannot be openly conducted. One such request came in last year for support in a country in east Asia. This individual serves the people in this country through her vocation as a teacher, which also enables her the opportunity to build relationships and share the gospel message. Your contribution to the mission offering makes it possible for us to meet missionaries in their moment of need when they approach us for help.  Know that your support makes it possible for people to hear God’s word when it would not otherwise be possible for them to have access to it  in their larger culture.