
Music Ministry

Scripture tells us to sing praise to the Lord. At FBC, our musical praise spans a variety of styles. We seek to engage the many individuals who seek to worship God through their talents. 

Are you ready to make a joyful noise in one of our musical ensembles? We invite you to fill out this short form to BOOK one of our groups or ensembles, or to JOIN one of them.  

If you would rather reach out to us directly, you may contact Erin Clarke for more information about the Adult Choir. If you would like to participate in the Instrumental Ensemble (Orchestra), the Handbell Ensemble, the Ukulele Ensemble, or the Connexion Praise Band and Vocal Ensemble, contact Ellee Hilley.

Choir and Ensemble Rehearsals occur weekly from August through May with occasional breaks following the church calendar. 

Sanctuary Choir (college age and up) rehearses each Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. This choir sings weekly for the Celebration Service at 9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary and also for two major presentations each year, one during Advent/Christmas and one during Lent/Easter. No audition is required; join by attending Wednesday night rehearsals.


Orchestra (auditioned instrumental ensemble) meets on Wednesdays from 6:00-6:45 p.m., August through May, in the Instrumental Room. Both youth and adults are invited to be a part of this ensemble. They accompany hymn singing at the 9:00 a.m. Celebration Service, play with the Sanctuary Choir, and provide additional music for worship. Contact Ellee Hilley if you are interested in this ensemble.

Handbell Choir (high school age and up) meets on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:15 p.m., August through May in the Handbell Room. This group plays in worship throughout the year and for special programs. Some music reading skills are strongly recommended. Contact Ellee Hilley if you are interested in the Handbell Ensemble.


Ukulele Ensemble “Strum and Sing” (all ages) practices at noon each Thursday in the Instrumental Ensemble Room (2nd floor). This group has both beginners and experienced players alike that come together to play a variety of secular, pop and rock music, and old hymns.  This group travels around the Griffin area to play at local venues throughout the year. No audition is required and it is a great way to learn the ukulele or have fun playing with others! Contact Ellee Hilley if you are interested in this ensemble.

Beginning Ukulele Class (all ages) runs a session from August to May on Tuesdays from 12:15-1:00 p.m. — perfect for lunch hour learning! For those that have never played an instrument before, this group provides foundational skills to be a proficient ukulele player! No skills required. This class is a great start to the regular Ukulele Ensemble for those not quite confident enough to be a part of the bigger group. Contact Ellee Hilley for more information about this class.

Connexion Praise Band & Vocalists

Our praise team (youth and up) rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and on Sunday mornings. They lead in Connexion worship each week. The praise band plays a mixture of contemporary worship music and hymns, using a variety of instruments, including keyboards, guitars, drums, bass, and others. A small vocal ensemble leads the music. If interested in either playing an instrument or singing, please contact Ellee Hilley.

Special Music Events

Our Music Ministry is featured in many special activities throughout the year.

  • Friday Night Coffeehouse Music Concerts (local artists)
  • Ukulele Ensemble traveling concerts
  • Hanging of the Green Service, first Sunday of Advent
  • Advent/Christmas Presentation
  • Lent/Easter Choir Presentation
  • Piano Ensemble Concert
  • Children’s Sunday (Children’s Choir) Presentation
  • Special Concerts and Guest Artists
Upcoming Events


We hope you enjoy this sample of our Handbell Ensemble’s performance of “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” during our Celebration Worship service.