Adult Ministry

The aim of Adult Ministries of First Baptist Church is to provide an environment that encourages and equips adults of all ages to fully live out their faith in daily life. The Adult Faith Journey  is a life-long process of seeking and maintaining a relationship with God by becoming more and more like Christ in beliefs (orthodoxy) and behaviors (orthopraxy).  This life-long journey of spiritual formation is expressed through Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, and Showing Christ to Others.

Adults are invited to join one of our adult Bible study classes that meet 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We encourage you to stop by the Information Desk near the elevator and coffee station for a printed list of classes or to ask for someone to escort you to a class of your choosing. You will find a list of available classes here.

Small Groups

Small Groups connect adults in meaningful relationships with one another at times other than Sunday mornings.  These groups vary in composition and structure, but they are designed to help adults study God’s Word, care for one another, serve together in ministry, and grow together in fellowship. For more information about meeting locations and times for our current small groups, please call the church office or email us at

Senior Adult Ministry

The Senior Adult Ministry at First Baptist Church offers a monthly meeting, regularly scheduled day trips, and occasion multiday trips (bus tours, cruises, etc.)  XYZ (‘Xtra Years of Zest) is a monthly luncheon meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. in Morgan Hall of the Family Life Center, featuring a short informative program, lunch, reports, and door prizes.  Reservations for lunch ($8 payable at the door) are requested by noon on the Friday preceding the Tuesday meeting.  Reservations can be made by calling the church office at 770.227.5517. All adults age 50+ are welcome.

Adult Faith Journey

The Adult Faith Journey is a life-long process of seeking and maintaining a relationship with God by becoming more and more like Christ in beliefs and behaviors.  This life-long journey of growth and development as a Christian is expressed through Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, and Showing Christ to Others.

Knowing Christ

  • Beginning the journey as a spiritual seeker
  • Committing one’s life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
  • Being baptized as an expression of one’s commitment to following Christ
  • Committing to meaningful membership in First Baptist Church
Growing in Christ

  • Cultivating one’s faith through regular participation in a small group Bible study on Sundays or during the week
  • Seeking to maintain a pattern of consistent participation in corporate worship experiences
  • Spending time daily with God through prayer and learning His Word
  • Practicing biblical stewardship by honoring God with one’s time, talents, and material resources
  • Using one’s spiritual gifts to serve in or through the church
  • Striving to live ethically before God and others
Showing Christ to Others

  • Committing to lifestyle evangelism: sharing Christ’s love in word and deed in the church community and beyond
  • Seeking a meaningful friendship with a person of another age group, gender or ethnicity
  • Encouraging or mentoring a fellow believer toward greater Christ-likeness
  • Committing to equip oneself for effective ministry leadership as God calls



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Fall Festival

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Living into a Calling

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