Charles Dickens’ opening words in his novel A Tale of Two Cities are familiar to us all — “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ….” During this pandemic, we can relate in many ways to this quote. During these months of social distancing and self-isolation we are experiencing an extended period of “new normalcy” that has been good for some of us and not so good for others of us. As our capable ministers have helped us navigate new ways of being and doing church during this COVID crisis, we are grateful that they have helped us stay connected with God and with our community of grace. Wisely, they have encouraged our Search Committee to be on pause during these summer and fall months as we seek understanding about what the future may hold for us as First Baptist Church of Griffin. They have encouraged us to partner with them in entering into a time of discernment before we take next steps in the potential call of another minister to serve with our church. The committee invites and encourages you, our church family, to use this interim time to pray and ask the question “What would God have our church to be and to do as we move into the future?” The answer to that will be unfolded as we have conversations through one or more Town Hall meetings later this fall. Thank you in advance for joining us in prayerful discernment.
The Search Committee,
Alice Blake, Nicholas Bland, Bonnie Brown, Tom Gardner, Brad Glass, Sallianne Hardwick, Brian McCartney, Megan Potter, Ann Walker, and Steven Norris