September is State Missions Month

The members of FBC Griffin are encouraged each September to give a special offering to assist with mission work in our own state, which becomes more of a “mission field” every year. The two offerings collected go to the CBF of Georgia and the Georgia Baptist Convention. Those wishing to give a donation may place it in our offering envelopes, mail a check to PO Box 908, Griffin, GA 30224, or give online using the buttons provided on this page.

Georgia Baptist Convention

“Mission Georgia is mobilizing Georgia Baptist churches to bring the hope of the gospel to individuals who are often farthest from it.”

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia

“Since 1992 the CBF of Georgia has provided a home for Baptist Christians who cherish basic Baptist beliefs and desire to preserve Baptist freedoms.”

FBC Missions Supports Disaster Relief

September 1, 2021


More about Missions Month

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship State Mission Offering is mainly allocated in three different areas. One of these is Congregational Ministry Grants.  This is intended to help churches across the state financially who had designed a program that will involve:

1. Community partnerships

2. Interfaith initiatives

3. Local Mission engagement

4. Young leadership development

Our own Grace 127 “gotcha bag” project for foster children received one of these grants. These offerings reach many throughout the state of Georgia. 


September 8, 2021

In considering your offering to state missions, James 2:8 reminds us:

“Indeed, if you fulfill the royal law in the scripture, ‘Love your brother as yourself,’ you are doing well.”



Mission Georgia

One of the mission offerings FBC contributes to each September is sponsored by the Georgia Baptist Convention. It is called MISSION GEORGIA. 

The purpose of this year’s offering is to mobilize Georgia Baptist churches to bring the hope of the gospel to individuals who are often farthest from it.

Some of the programs supported by this offering are:

1. Encouraging each Georgia church to sponsor a day of service to their community.

2. Help minister to the children who are in foster care in Georgia—13,815 so far this year.

3. Support efforts to stop the emergence of human trafficking in Georgia.

4. Promote programs for the 48 out of each 100 students in Georgia who do not read at grade level.

5. Work with internationals and refugees.

6. Provide pregnancy support ministries in the 75 counties in Georgia with no OB/GYN.


September 15, 2021

As we continue our emphasis on state missions during September, we encourage a gift to either or both Georgia Baptists or CBF Georgia. A second area reached by the CBF Georgia offering is our field personnel who have Georgia Connections.

Two field personnel that this offering helps support are:

  1. Missy Ward-Angalla, with whom FBC Griffin partners in ministry as she works with refugees in Africa. She will soon visit our church while on leave in the U.S.A.
  2. LaCount and Anna Anderson, who work in North Carolina to help alleviate poverty and encourage ways out of dire situations in their area.

A mission team from FBC Griffin will be going to Africa to work with Missy in the summer of 2022. In the past (and possibly in the future), teams have worked with the Andersons in North Carolina. Our gifts can spread Christ’s love beyond our state and around the world.


September 22, 2021

As we bring a close to our emphasis on giving to State Missions, we continue to encourage giving financially, praying fervently, and possibly participating in ways to spread the gospel throughout Georgia and beyond.

A third area which receives support from gifts to CBF Georgia is in the area of youth leadership development, especially among our college students. A new staff member of CBF Georgia is beginning such work at Mercer University and plans to expand to UGA and GA Tech and beyond. College has been so difficult for these young leaders during COVID and this new emphasis is a welcoming presence for our young people.

Regardless of the offering(s) you support it is well to remember these words from Deuteronomy 15:7-8: “If there is any among you in need, do not be hard hearted or tight fisted toward your needy neighbor, you should rather open your hand willingly giving enough to meet the need, whatever it might be.

May God’s word reach Georgia and beyond.