By Steven Norris
We live in a world that is simultaneously drowning in knowledge and starving for wisdom. We carry around in our pockets access to more of the world’s collected knowledge than people have had at any point in human history. Yet, knowing how to translate that information to widespread human flourishing continues to elude so many.
The New Testament book of James is chocked full of practical wisdom. In less than 2,000 words, James distills an enormous amount of advice into useful bite-sized chunks. Here are ten nuggets that are feeding me this week:
1. Be curious. James does not say it exactly this way, but he says that if we lack wisdom, we should ask for it. Do not be afraid to ask questions and listen closely for the answers. You just might learn something.
2. Be grateful. According to James, every good and perfect gift comes to us from God. We did not produce it ourselves. Therefore, we should receive it with gratitude.
3. Be consistent. James talks numerous times about the importance of integrity. He says, “Be doers of the word, not just hearers only…” Put your faith into action. If you see someone in need, do not just pray about it, do something about it.
4. Be fair. Do not show partiality to others because of their socio-economic status. Too often, we function in a quid pro quo society where I will do for you because I expect you to do for me. Those who can do more for me, get more from me. “Don’t do this,” James says.
5. Be merciful. We are all going to make mistakes and, if we are honest, we all fall short of God’s standards and deserve punishment. God, in God’s wisdom, offered us mercy at the cross. Therefore, since you have received mercy, give mercy.
6. Be careful. James has a lot to say about the words we speak. They have the power to spark a fire that can both keep us warm in the cold or to burn down a whole forest. Maybe more than anything, our world needs the reminder that words have consequences.
7. Be content. How much suffering is created because of jealousy and selfishness? When we define “enough” as “a little more than I have now,” it becomes a never-ending pursuit and a one-way road to misery.
8. Be humble. It is essential to recognize what you can and cannot control. Every day, we need to ask ourselves, “Is this mine to do?”
9. Be generous. Riches come and go. When we try to hold onto them, they rust and corrode. Instead of hoarding riches, use them to help others and bless those around you.
10. Be prayerful. James recognizes that prayer has the power to affect change. Lift up those who are suffering. Confess your own shortcomings. Commune with God daily. In doing so, you will see transformation taking shape.
There is so much wisdom in such a short book of the Bible. Do not take my word for it, though. Read it for yourself — then, go do it. Having done so, you may find your soul a little less starved for the life-giving wisdom it craves.