Over the past few weeks, a COVID Task Force consisting of ministers, deacon officers, and select members of our community have met to review current recommendations and formulate a plan tailored to fit the needs of our congregation. Below, you will find an outline of that plan. At the bottom of this page is a link to the current plan in its full form. Please don’t hesitate to contact the church office if you have any questions.
Small Group Gatherings
Beginning Jun 15. We know that it is important for groups to begin meeting as soon as possible. We believe that we can better handle Sunday school and small groups in limited capacity throughout the week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
- Classes will need to reserve one of the designated spaces set aside for this purpose (not your typical classroom) and follow the guidelines outlined below.
- Teachers and LifeGroup Leaders may call the church office beginning on Tuesday, June 9 to begin reserving space for your class.
- Classes will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between uses.
In-Person Worship
Beginning July 5. We have listened closely to feedback from the congregation regarding our services. This has led to adapt our plan, which will be done in two morning services according to the plan outlined below:
- 9:30 traditional service led by piano and organ in the sanctuary.
- 11:00 contemporary service in Morgan Hall with overflow seating in the gym (if necessary).
- There will be no Sunday school, Children’s Church, nursery, Coffee House, library, etc.
- Our regular broadcasts will continue their current form and time.
- We will not have congregational singing at this time.
Summary of Guidelines
For all gatherings inside the church building, we are recommending the following guidelines. (For a more detailed list, please see the full plan linked below.)
- Hygiene. Everyone should wash hands regularly and use the hand sanitizing stations upon entering the building.
- Screening. We are asking everyone to self-screen and stay at home if you are not feeling well. We may also have some screening stations for large gatherings.
- Distancing. Maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet from all persons not in your immediate household is required. We will arrange chairs and pews in our various gathering spaces to help accommodate this.
- Masks. We are strongly recommending that everyone coming to the building for worship, small groups, or any other gathering wear masks to help slow the spread of disease.
- Culture. It is important that we embody our call to be a “community of grace” at First Baptist Church. During this time, when feelings are strong and opinions are varied, let us adopt an attitude of care for, and service to, our neighbors over any insistence on individual rights.
Click here for the Master Plan in Response to the COVID 19 pandemic.