Our Kids Quest Choir is leading in worship on Sunday, November 18. All ages will lead in the 11 a.m. Celebration service and in our Community Thanksgiving Service at 4:00 p.m. Both of these worship services are in the Sanctuary.
We are singing “Now Thank We All Our God,” which we’ve been practicing and is part of our elementary Kids Quest Challenge.
Please be aware of the following for both Wednesday, November 14 and Sunday, November 18:
  • Wednesday, November 14: We will end the evening with a rehearsal in the Sanctuary. Please plan to pick your child up from the Sanctuary at 7 p.m.
  • Sunday, November 18:
  • We will have a brief rehearsal at the beginning of Sunday School. Please make sure your child is in 208 on the second floor of the Cheatham Education Building by 9:45 a.m.
  • Please pick your child up from Sunday School as you normally do.
  • Our Kids Quest Choirs will sit together in the center section of the Sanctuary until we lead in worship during the second hymn.
  • Please plan to return to the Sanctuary by 3:45 p.m. Sunday afternoon. We will again sit together as a choir before we lead in the Community Thanksgiving Service.
Thank you for your help! We are excited about the Kids Quest Choir leading on November 18!