On Sunday, August 26, we will nominate people for the upcoming deacon selection.

You may nominate 9 persons you believe have the characteristics of a deacon.

All nominees who receive at least 5 votes will then be contacted as to whether they will accept the nomination and the role of deacon (if selected) before their names will be placed on the ballot for the final deacon selection on one Sunday in October.

Four year terms begin January 2019, and the following people are ineligible because their terms end December 31, 2018:

Scott Bailey

Bonnie Brown

John Cummings

Linda Cummings

Tom Gardner

Evans Millican

Bob Scroggins

Peggy Smith

Brad Wideman

The following Deacons already serve as Life Deacons and do not need to be nominated or selected for a typical term.

Andrew Blake

Nancy Blake

Steve Brown

Hoby Davenport

Gail Hammock

Ronnie Hopkins

Ronnie Massey

Earle Millican

Wayne Smith

Larry Stover

Henry Walker

C.E. Williams, Jr.

Bill Young