On Monday, December 16, First Baptist will once again provide an inexpensive shopping experience for those in our community needing a little assistance providing Christmas gifts for their children. We are looking forward to assisting a large number of families this Christmas.
Below are the dates for this important mission ministry. Please consider how you and your family can be a part of this special Christmas ministry.
November 11 through December 15: New toys and gently used books may be dropped off in the designated “toy” boxes in the Welcome Center and Morgan Hall. Toys should be unwrapped and for ages birth through 12. We especially need ethnic dolls, educational toys, balls, craft sets, musical toys, and games.
November 24, December 1, and December 8: Sign ups for volunteers to help prep toys, set up the shop, and work the day of the shop. Toy shop planning team members will be in the back of Morgan Hall after the Connexion Service and in the Welcome Center before and after Sunday School and Celebration Worship for you to sign up to help.
December 2, 4, 9 and 11 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Toy Prep on the third floor
Sunday, December 15 after church conference: Set up of the toy shop in the gym
Monday, December 16: THE TOY SHOP will begin at 9 and end at 6:30
Tuesday, December 17: Inventory and pack up of the toys in the morning