A couple of weeks ago I preached a sermon entitled “It is your Journey.” Today I need to give you some information about ‘my journey with you here at FBC Griffin’.

As many of you know, Sabrina and I moved from Florida to Macon for her job. Shortly after moving to Macon I met Bill Hardee at the Spring CBF meeting and told him of my desire to continue in ministry. His immediate response was “how far are you willing to drive” and after some discussion, Bill asked me to come and provide ministry to seniors and others needing pastoral care here. And so…I came to FBC Griffin as minister of pastoral care.

My ministry here at FBC Griffin has been wonderful. It has been my honor to be a part of the ministry team here at FBC Griffin. I have enjoyed the many pastoral care visits I have made, the great people I have worked alongside in ministry, the opportunities to teach the Pastor’s Bible Study Class and to preach in all three services. It has been a rewarding “Season of Ministry” for me. Having said that this season will be coming to a close.

Over the last few weeks, the founders of Sabrina’s company have decided to relocate to Atlanta and as a result, Sabrina and I have had to make some difficult decisions. To make a long story short, we have decided that we will not move to Atlanta nor will Sabrina commute to Atlanta from Macon. Sabrina has opted to take a remote-based role in the company giving us the chance to move to an area where we hope to eventually retire. Our Macon home has gone under contract earlier than anticipated and we will be leaving the Macon area and regrettably First Baptist Griffin at the end of the year. Christmas Eve will be our last service with you.

We’d like to extend our heart-felt appreciation to FBC Griffin for your warm welcome. The ministry we have shared with you has been our privilege. I would like to personally thank Bill Hardee for his trust and confidence in me and the warm friendship we enjoy. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and always find it difficult to leave as I invest myself in people. As we embark on this new chapter on our journey we will be thinking of you and praying for you as you continue your journey here at FBC Griffin.