From the desk of Bonnie Brown, FBC Deacon Chair… Dr. Bill Hardee has faithfully served our church as Senior Pastor for eleven years and has been in ministry for over forty years. He has decided it is time for him to retire, to be effective the end of January. Dr. Hardee has equipped, stretched and strengthened our church. He has loved us, nurtured us, guided and taught us. Dr. Hardee has been a witness to our community of God’s love, grace and mercy. In appreciation and gratitude for his faithful service, we will be collecting a love offering. This gift will be presented to Dr. and Mrs. Hardee on his last Sunday with us, January 26. Please join us in honoring him with your monetary gift today. “As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of ourLord Jesus Christ.” I Thessalonians 1:3 To donate, you may give online and select Love Offering as the fund, or you can put cash or a check payable to FBC in an envelope and mark Love Offering on the outside. Since the check will be presented to him on January 26, please give no later than Tuesday, January 21. You can give a love offering HERE. |