Dear Parents:

Due to the rise in Covid-19 and the decision of the Griffin-Spalding County School System to delay opening schools for this year, First Baptist Church Weekday will not begin school until September 8.  This is not what we had planned, but we are doing everything we can to make sure your child will be safe at school.  

In the next few weeks you will receive a letter from us with more information regarding the opening of school including our supply list and revised school calendar.  We will NOT have a traditional “open house” this year, but you will be able to meet your child’s teacher via technology (phone or internet).  

Please be in prayer for our school, our city, our state, and our nation. 

Again, thank you for choosing First Baptist Church Weekday.  We appreciate each of you and your understanding of this “different” time and way of doing things.

Love in Christ,

Diane Lamb, Weekday Director