Looking for Ways to Get Involved

in Missions at FBC?

FBC’s focus on missions continues throughout the month of May. Since May is the month we emphasize our Church Mission Offering, please consider making a donation this month in support of the work that our Mission Council funds.  Donations to the FBC Benevolence Fund may be made through your regular giving options as well. 

 Our Community Garden provides a fun way to serve as a family, Sunday School class, or community group. Patrick Shepherd heads the Community Garden. The Spring/Summer Community Garden was planted on April 7th and is looking good again this year. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers were planted. Please consider signing up to help with the garden over the next few months. Volunteers are asked to commit to be responsible for a week of weeding, watering, picking and delivering vegetables to the food pantries. Groups can divide their weeks among themselves so that individuals will only have to work in the garden for one or two days. Patrick will be happy to meet anyone at the garden to answer questions and explain what needs to be done. Volunteers can contact Patrick Shepherd (678-776-6286) or Beth Shepherd (678-776-6285) or sign up HERE.

Thank you so much for your willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you would like more information about ways to get involved with missions, please email sandralong470@gmail.com or call 770-480-9421.

Sandra Long, FBC Mission Council Chair