During the month of March, we invite you to join us in preparing “Gotcha Bags” for children who are taken into foster care without much notice. This ministry offers a small token of love to children during a particularly vulnerable time in their lives. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for a complete list of “goods” for each bag. For your convenience, you may also choose to shop from our Amazon wish list.

Patsy Kingsley explains why the Grace 127 Ministry collects donations to create “Gotcha Bags” for foster children.

Patsy Kingsley and Freda Cook describe the elements of and assemble a “gotcha bag.” 

We invite you to partner with us in ministering to foster children in the Griffin-Spalding area. Help us fill our “Gotcha Bags” for the year this March! Here are the items we need for the bags.


boy and girl

Toddler age:

boy and girl

Elementary age: boy and girl Middle school age: boy and girl High school age: boy and girl
baby blanket “personal” blanket “personal” blanket “personal” blanket “personal” blanket
toy toy toy toy toy
crayons crayons colored pencils colored pencils
baby soap kid soap kid soap bar soap bar soap
baby bottle kid toothpaste kid toothpaste adult toothpaste adult toothpaste
baby hairbrush hairbrush hairbrush hairbrush hairbrush
diapers pullups pads (girls only) pads (girls only)
deodorant deodorant



boy and girl

Toddler age:

boy and girl

Elementary age: boy and girl Middle school age: boy and girl High school age: boy and girl
huggable stuffed animal huggable stuffed animal huggable stuffed animal huggable stuffed animal huggable stuffed animal
coloring book (kids) coloring book (kids) coloring book (adult) coloring book (adult)
baby toothbrush kid toothbrush kid toothbrush adult toothbrush adult toothbrush
wipes wipes