Journey in Grace

Journey in Grace

     FBC Griffin is a “community of grace.” However, we recognize that grace is a journey, not a destination. As with any journey, there are often unexpected twists and turns in the road. Whatever your journey has been to this point, we are thankful that God has led...
One Church

One Church

Let us all worship together in the Sanctuary on Sunday, October 6th at 10:30 a.m. We will celebrate World Communion Sunday by participating in the Lord’s Supper. Note that this special schedule means we will not hold our regular Sunday school classes on this...
State Missions Offering

State Missions Offering

Give to CBF-GA Give to GBC Each September, our church emphasizes mission efforts in our own state, which is becoming more of a mission field.  We encourage giving to the Georgia CBF State offering and/or the Georgia Baptist Mission offering. All money stays here in...

Communion and Benevolence Offering this Sunday

This Sunday, we celebrate The Lord’s Supper, which is also called Communion, in both worship services (9:30 a.m. Celebration and 11:15 a.m. Connexion). . Communion elements will be available prior to the start of the service. Gluten free options and grapes will...